
Upcoming Events

Everything you need to know (and more) about Jindal School events happening at The University of Texas at Dallas.

JSOM Event Calendar

A step-by-step guide to JSOM events happening around you!
[[Pro Tip: Clicking on the calendar to the right will also take you to the Jindal Calendar!]]

BSBA Peer Mentoring Program | IMS 4074

The BSBA program offers a course, free of charge, on a credit/no credit basis designed to teach students how to become more effective mentors and leaders. The course (IMS 4074) is part of the BSBA peer to peer mentoring program. Students will gain invaluable leadership and mentoring skills that are transferrable to a professional work environment.
To qualify to become a peer mentor and to enroll in IMS 4074, student must have a 3.0 GPA or better, and must have completed at least one long semester at JSOM. If interested in enrolling in IMS 4074, please see Professor Henderson in 11.105B or email [email protected].
If a student is interested in serving as a mentee (working with a student mentor), please see Professor Henderson.

Be sure to check out the Comet Calendar for University-wide events too!